MS Train Simulator
Dnes nastáva významný deň pre slovenských priaznivcov MSTS, a to preto, že na adrese nájdete prvú slovenskú reálnu trať do MSTS, vedúcu cez Ružomberok, Liptovský Mikuláš, Liptovský Hrádok do Východnej. V budúcnosti ju autor plánuje postupne rozširovať oboma smermi, na západ smerom na Vrútky a Žilinu a východným smerom cez Štrbu do Popradu. Verím, že sa mu zámer vydarí a aj to, že jeho práca nezostane dlho osamotená
Co je to take tazke???? Chcem len vediet ako sa davaju masiny do MSTS?!
Odkaz na príspevok:
2016.903.3: mám pocit že moc fantazíruješ ... vieš vôbec, čo chceš ? To čo ty chceš absolútne odporuje štruktúre a logike tohoto simulátoru. Môžeš mať dve verzie žehličky - jedna je napájaná z troleje a má výkon 880 kW a druhá je napájaná z baterkáča a má výkon omnoho menší. Ale počas jazdy to už prepínať nemôžeš, jedine že by si bol taký zdatný, že by si celý MSTS preprogramoval. Ale z tvojho príspevku som vyrozumel, že ty osobne budeš stavať žehličku a baterkový vagón. Pritom teraz si to celé zabil a nepriamo si povedal, že chceš, aby to spravil niekto druhý ... nuž máš dve možnosti - naučíš sa to a urobíš to, alebo na to zabudneš, prípadne počkáš, až to niekto niekedy sám od seba urobí. Na objednávku z rozmaru niekoho nikto nerobí. Každý autor nejakého addonu robí to, čo ho oslovilo a čo sa chce jemu samému. Nikdy nie to, čo chce niekto druhý ... a ak ano, tak potom len za primeraný honorár.
Odkaz na príspevok:
2016.903.3 - to som akože správne pochopil tak, že to budeš modelovať ? Alebo sa jedná o prelíčenie z nejakých existujúcich podobných modelov ?
Miro79žehličku 210 nie je problém upraviť z pôvodnej Starého, moc práce to nedá, ale chýbajú mi dobré fotky zhora, teda kapoty a strecha - to je jediné, čo sa výrazne líši od 110-ky, potom dole je trafo, ale to viem odfotiť aj ja. Jak sa nájde dobrovolník, čo to použiteľne odfotí z lávky alebo z mosta, môžem sa do toho pustiť. Za týždeň - dva by bolo hotovo. Baterkáč takisto nie je žiadny problém, problémom sú použiteľné fotky - tu na Rendezi ich odchytím málokedy vo vhodnej polohe.
Miro79žehličku 210 nie je problém upraviť z pôvodnej Starého, moc práce to nedá, ale chýbajú mi dobré fotky zhora, teda kapoty a strecha - to je jediné, čo sa výrazne líši od 110-ky, potom dole je trafo, ale to viem odfotiť aj ja. Jak sa nájde dobrovolník, čo to použiteľne odfotí z lávky alebo z mosta, môžem sa do toho pustiť. Za týždeň - dva by bolo hotovo. Baterkáč takisto nie je žiadny problém, problémom sú použiteľné fotky - tu na Rendezi ich odchytím málokedy vo vhodnej polohe.
Odkaz na príspevok:
Mas na mysli prerobenie nejakých už existujúcich mašín, či výroba úplne nových? Na 736 sa pracuje, baterkáč by mal existovať, o 210 neviem, že by niekto robil. Ak chceš modelovať nový stroj, tak si zabezpeč program 3dsmax, fotoaparát, dobrý grafický editor a vela čaju na ukludenie nervov...
Odkaz na príspevok:
Dobry den.Chcem sa opytat ci tu je niekto co sa venuje robenim masin do MSTS.Ja by som chcel spravit jednu masiny radu 736(Papucha) a zehlicku radu 210 a baterkovy vagon radu 010.Ak je tu niekto nech sa my ozve na moj dakujem
Odkaz na príspevok:
Kto si vie prelozit, tak sa mozno aj nieco zaujimave dozvie... nakoniec sa snad mozme tesit (aspon v teoretickej relaite) na nieco nove... ale co...
Microsoft Train Simulator 2
Microsoft Train Simulator 2 was proposed, and was even demoed to the public. Seemingly its main improvements were the addition of people to the game (i.e. passengers waiting at the stations, people operating the new locomotive roster, etc.), more realistic crashes and other accidents, and turntables. However, this game was cancelled, as the following statement from Microsoft confirms.
April 24, 2004 – As you know, every business segment within Microsoft is responsible for continually evaluating its strategy and investments in all areas of the business to achieve operational efficiencies. At Microsoft Game Studios (MGS), we must continually evaluate our portfolio strategy and investments to ensure we are achieving our most important objectives of creating successful, platform driving titles for Windows gamers. In addition, Microsoft Games Studio must streamline game development operations to be more efficient and critically examine all projects in development to position the business for long-term success and profitability.
Microsoft Game Studios has cancelled the Windows-based game "Train Simulator 2.0." The decision to cancel "Train Simulator 2.0" was made some time ago and was based on a long, hard and difficult look at our business objectives and product offerings. We remain focused on the simulations category with successful, platform-driving franchises such as "Microsoft Flight Simulator."
Project relaunch
However, on January 19, 2007, Microsoft announced the relaunch of the Microsoft Train Simulator project. It is being made in-house by Microsoft Game Studios as a part of the "Games for Windows" initiative. The game will use the Microsoft Flight Simulator X graphics engine. Little else is currently known regarding the title, but backwards compatibility with MSTS 1 is unlikely as this is a completely new product having only the name in common with its predecessor. Initial news can be found from the website
Microsoft Train Simulator 2
Microsoft Train Simulator 2 was proposed, and was even demoed to the public. Seemingly its main improvements were the addition of people to the game (i.e. passengers waiting at the stations, people operating the new locomotive roster, etc.), more realistic crashes and other accidents, and turntables. However, this game was cancelled, as the following statement from Microsoft confirms.
April 24, 2004 – As you know, every business segment within Microsoft is responsible for continually evaluating its strategy and investments in all areas of the business to achieve operational efficiencies. At Microsoft Game Studios (MGS), we must continually evaluate our portfolio strategy and investments to ensure we are achieving our most important objectives of creating successful, platform driving titles for Windows gamers. In addition, Microsoft Games Studio must streamline game development operations to be more efficient and critically examine all projects in development to position the business for long-term success and profitability.
Microsoft Game Studios has cancelled the Windows-based game "Train Simulator 2.0." The decision to cancel "Train Simulator 2.0" was made some time ago and was based on a long, hard and difficult look at our business objectives and product offerings. We remain focused on the simulations category with successful, platform-driving franchises such as "Microsoft Flight Simulator."
Project relaunch
However, on January 19, 2007, Microsoft announced the relaunch of the Microsoft Train Simulator project. It is being made in-house by Microsoft Game Studios as a part of the "Games for Windows" initiative. The game will use the Microsoft Flight Simulator X graphics engine. Little else is currently known regarding the title, but backwards compatibility with MSTS 1 is unlikely as this is a completely new product having only the name in common with its predecessor. Initial news can be found from the website
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