Fórum o vašich názoroch, nápadoch a pripomienkach na stránku VLAKY.NET, o tom čo by ste na našich stránkach radi privítali, čo by ste zmenili, a čo naopak vypustili.
K nefunkcnemu foru:
Vyskytla sa chyba v skripte. Na jej odstraneni sa pilne pracuje, Dufajme, ze sa to podari odstranit coskoro.
Pre tych co sa nevedia do fora dostat. Pomoc je jednoducha. Nasledujte tento odkaz: http://www.vlaky.net/online/diskusia/temy_latest.asp?lang=1
Vyskytla sa chyba v skripte. Na jej odstraneni sa pilne pracuje, Dufajme, ze sa to podari odstranit coskoro.
Pre tych co sa nevedia do fora dostat. Pomoc je jednoducha. Nasledujte tento odkaz: http://www.vlaky.net/online/diskusia/temy_latest.asp?lang=1
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/141861/
Our community www.trains.hu had its third special train on the line Kisterenye - Kal-Kapolna. It was quite successful, despite of the cold weather, 140 people have taken part. You can see some pictures here:
We plan a two-day event in the summer in Szilvasvarad, on the line Eger - Putnok, the most scenic line in Hungary. I can't tell you anything about the vehicles we will have, but it would be great if we could unite our power and have a common meeting for railway friends.
We would like to organize more special trains from Hungary with interesting hauling vehicles and if you like, you could join us arriving on the route Lenartovce - Bánréve - Putnok - Szilvásvárad.
I would like to ask the main organizer of your trips to write me a mail to endre@trains.hu<br>