Železnice na Balkáne - všeobecne
Diskusia o železniciach v balkánskych krajinách - Srbsko, Čierna Hora, Bosna, Bulharsko, Macedónsko, Grécko, Albánsko
Podradené diskusné témy
Ale treba povedat, ze soudruzi z HSH si makli.
Oproti tomu web ZSSK posobi ako past na oko - kde je anglicka verzia??? Slubuje sa uz neviemako dlho a stale nist. Uz aj albanske zeleznice informuju aj v anglictine... v ZSSK asi AJ moc neleti...
Oproti tomu web ZSSK posobi ako past na oko - kde je anglicka verzia??? Slubuje sa uz neviemako dlho a stale nist. Uz aj albanske zeleznice informuju aj v anglictine... v ZSSK asi AJ moc neleti...
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/103046/
Pozerám, že web stránku už majú konečne aj albánske HSH. Tak už predbehli skoro nefunkčnú stránku ŽFBH a otrasnú makedónsku MŽ. http://www.hsh.com.al/
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/103016/
Fotoreportaz o cestovani po uzkokolajnej trati Sarajevo - Visegrad- Titovo Uzice z r. 1970 - http://www.drehscheibe-online.de/forum/read.php?f=17&i=85121&t=85121 .
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/102710/
Nejake rozpravanie v chorvatcine o stanici uzkokolajnej zeleznice v Sarejeve - http://www.zeljeznice.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2726 . BTW jednu byvalu stanicu Bistrik je mozne vidiet aj dnes, ked autobus vchadza do Sarajeva a mam ju zakreslenu aj na mojej este komunistickej mapke Sarajeva.
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/102709/
Special international railway composition for truck transport, famous “Ro-La” Train, tomorrow, for the first time operates on Serbian railways, - they said today in Freight Transport Department of “Serbian Railways” in their statement for Media Center.
Truck carrying “Ro-La” Train, operating from Turkish town Halkali to Austrian town Vels, on Saturday, 23rd September runs on the rails of Corridor 10 through Serbia. “Serbian Railways” will be transporting the composition several hundred meters long, with 20 special wagons carrying 20 trucks.
From Turkey to Austria the train set will run 2000 meters distance, which is currently the longest railway path in Europe, regarding direct freight trains.
Modernization of railway infrastructure on Corridor 10 in Serbia, particularly repair of the tunnel on the line Nis-Dimitrovgrad, financed by international credits, enabled “Serbian Railways” to transport this kind of train for the first time. Previous condition of the line and size of the tunnel weren’t suitable for “Ro-La” Train.
Till the end of 2006, every week a pair “Ro-La” trains will operate through Serbia, and after certain analysis of demand and effects achieved, Serbian Railways will determine the transport organization for 2007 with other European railway enterprises.
Beside significant income for Serbian railways, and promotion effects in freight traffic, “Ro-La” trains also represent a common business activity of European railway enterprises, with the aim to obtain better position on transport market, particularly comparing railway to road operators.
(http://www.serbianrailways.com/system/en/home/newsplus/viewsingle/_params/newsplus_news_id/6485.html )
Truck carrying “Ro-La” Train, operating from Turkish town Halkali to Austrian town Vels, on Saturday, 23rd September runs on the rails of Corridor 10 through Serbia. “Serbian Railways” will be transporting the composition several hundred meters long, with 20 special wagons carrying 20 trucks.
From Turkey to Austria the train set will run 2000 meters distance, which is currently the longest railway path in Europe, regarding direct freight trains.
Modernization of railway infrastructure on Corridor 10 in Serbia, particularly repair of the tunnel on the line Nis-Dimitrovgrad, financed by international credits, enabled “Serbian Railways” to transport this kind of train for the first time. Previous condition of the line and size of the tunnel weren’t suitable for “Ro-La” Train.
Till the end of 2006, every week a pair “Ro-La” trains will operate through Serbia, and after certain analysis of demand and effects achieved, Serbian Railways will determine the transport organization for 2007 with other European railway enterprises.
Beside significant income for Serbian railways, and promotion effects in freight traffic, “Ro-La” trains also represent a common business activity of European railway enterprises, with the aim to obtain better position on transport market, particularly comparing railway to road operators.
(http://www.serbianrailways.com/system/en/home/newsplus/viewsingle/_params/newsplus_news_id/6485.html )
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/102636/
"Serbian Railways" Management Board decided to lease 10 new multi-system electric locomotives, with the ransom option.
Approximate ransom value for these locomotives, excluding taxes, is 5,6 million Euros.
Provision of the locomotives represents one of the most important investments for Serbian Railways, trying to maintain the position on international transport market.
These locomotives could be used on Serbian rails and outside of our Republic as well. All predefined technical conditions have to be fulfilled, regarding railway infrastructure and electric traction of passenger and freight cars, on the entire length of Corridor 10 and all of its branches.
Funds for the leasing of these locomotives are predefined by the Business Plan of Serbian Railways for 2006.
"Serbian Railways" nominated the project for the provision of multi-system locomotives for the financing from republic Investment Program, announced last month by Serbian Government. After the finalization of the project, there would be twenty of these locomotives on Serbian rails.
That will significantly settle the lack of traction units on Serbian railways, especially electric locomotives.
(http://www.serbianrailways.com/system/en/home/newsplus/viewsingle/_params/newsplus_news_id/6404.html )
Approximate ransom value for these locomotives, excluding taxes, is 5,6 million Euros.
Provision of the locomotives represents one of the most important investments for Serbian Railways, trying to maintain the position on international transport market.
These locomotives could be used on Serbian rails and outside of our Republic as well. All predefined technical conditions have to be fulfilled, regarding railway infrastructure and electric traction of passenger and freight cars, on the entire length of Corridor 10 and all of its branches.
Funds for the leasing of these locomotives are predefined by the Business Plan of Serbian Railways for 2006.
"Serbian Railways" nominated the project for the provision of multi-system locomotives for the financing from republic Investment Program, announced last month by Serbian Government. After the finalization of the project, there would be twenty of these locomotives on Serbian rails.
That will significantly settle the lack of traction units on Serbian railways, especially electric locomotives.
(http://www.serbianrailways.com/system/en/home/newsplus/viewsingle/_params/newsplus_news_id/6404.html )
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/102633/
Jakub: Skús mrknúť sem, sú tu nejaké obrázky z Lendavy a vypadá to, že nejaké nákladné vlaky tam jazdia. Osobné zrejme nie.
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/101777/
Pracovníci chorvatských železnic, kteří opravovali železniční trať z Čakovce do Lendavy v místech u hraničního přechodu Hotiza, museli v pondělí na příkaz slovinské policie práce ukončit. Slovinci tvrdí, že trať v těchto místech vede již po slovinském území.
Spory o hranici v této oblasti propukly v minulém týdnu, kdy dokonce ve středu 13. září chorvatská policie uvěznila několik slovinských novinářů a slovinská policie nato začala klást poražené stromy přes silnice, které obě strany považují za své. Policejní síly byly staženy po telefonickém jednání premiérů obou zemí v pátek 15. září.
Hádky o hranici kolem Hotizy se táhnou již od roku 1993, kdy Slovinsko zpochybnilo chorvatské pozemky na západním břehu řek Mura a Hotiza.
(stránky Klubu dráhařů - podle http://rawstory.com/ )
Spory o hranici v této oblasti propukly v minulém týdnu, kdy dokonce ve středu 13. září chorvatská policie uvěznila několik slovinských novinářů a slovinská policie nato začala klást poražené stromy přes silnice, které obě strany považují za své. Policejní síly byly staženy po telefonickém jednání premiérů obou zemí v pátek 15. září.
Hádky o hranici kolem Hotizy se táhnou již od roku 1993, kdy Slovinsko zpochybnilo chorvatské pozemky na západním břehu řek Mura a Hotiza.
(stránky Klubu dráhařů - podle http://rawstory.com/ )
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/101761/
V Srbsku obnovili dalsi zeleznicny most, vybombardovany v aprili r. 1999 - tentoraz pri Ostruznici cez Savu, na trati Beograd-Ranzirna - Ostruznica - Batajnica.
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/101745/
"Zeleznice Srbije" maju namiesto povodnej stranky (http://www.yurail.co.yu ) novu s novym dizajnom- v srbskej mutacii http://www.zeleznicesrbije.com a v anglickej http://www.serbianrailways.com .
Obsaj je vsak prakticky rovnaky ako doteraz.
Obsaj je vsak prakticky rovnaky ako doteraz.
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/101005/
Aj buduci rok chcem ist urcite do Srbska (moja najoblubenejsia krajina ) a taktiez trocha viac spoznat Bosnu, preto by som sa chcel opytat pripadnych znalcov na nazory, odporucania.
Kedze chcem opat co najviac cestovat za vnutrostatne cestovne a vyhnut sa predrazenemu Chorvatsku, rozmyslam nad severovychodnou Bosnou - Zvornik (sem dojst vlakom zo Srbska), Tuzla, mozno Distrikt Brcko, Doboj... Su tam vsade krasne hory, ale to asi kvoli minam vynecham. A vzhladom k riedkej a neistej autobusovej doprave na mieste chcem byt radsej v miestach, kde sa mozem presusat vlakom (hoci rovnako riedkym, ale aspon mam CP).
Takze - boli ste tam niekto, alebo viete o tom nieco?
Kedze chcem opat co najviac cestovat za vnutrostatne cestovne a vyhnut sa predrazenemu Chorvatsku, rozmyslam nad severovychodnou Bosnou - Zvornik (sem dojst vlakom zo Srbska), Tuzla, mozno Distrikt Brcko, Doboj... Su tam vsade krasne hory, ale to asi kvoli minam vynecham. A vzhladom k riedkej a neistej autobusovej doprave na mieste chcem byt radsej v miestach, kde sa mozem presusat vlakom (hoci rovnako riedkym, ale aspon mam CP).
Takze - boli ste tam niekto, alebo viete o tom nieco?
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/94375/
Tak ako je Bosna rozdelena na dve entity s vlastnymi vladami, parlamentami, policiou etc., tak tam maju aj dve zeleznicne spravy:
1. V Republike - Zeljeznice Republike srpske
2. Vo Federacii - Zeljeznice Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine
http://www.zbh.com.ba/ (na tej adrese okrem mapy nic nie je, ale ak napisete na tu mailovu adresu dole, tak vam odpovedia na vselico)
1. V Republike - Zeljeznice Republike srpske
2. Vo Federacii - Zeljeznice Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine
http://www.zbh.com.ba/ (na tej adrese okrem mapy nic nie je, ale ak napisete na tu mailovu adresu dole, tak vam odpovedia na vselico)
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/93645/
Takze za nejakych 14 hodin (!) mi uz od nasich madarskych priatelov z MAV prisla odpoved (a to tam vzdy este pod meno pripisem Slovak republic ).
Dear passenger,
Thank you for your enquiry.We would like to inform you
About the use of Beograd special ticket.
You can travel on the following trains:
IC Avala 345/344
Beograd express 341/340
The ticket is valid for 1 month and only on 2nd class.
Have a nice trip!
Best regards,
Hungarin National Railways (MAV)
Information Centre
phone (from abroad): +36 - 1 - 371 - 9449
phone (from inland) : 06 - 40 - 494949
email (information): informacio@mav.hu
time table: http://www.elvira.hu/
homepage: http://www.mav.hu/
Cize treba cestovat len tymi priamymi vlakmi (iny sposob cestovania ani nema zmysel) a to je to "vonathoz kötött" .
Dear passenger,
Thank you for your enquiry.We would like to inform you
About the use of Beograd special ticket.
You can travel on the following trains:
IC Avala 345/344
Beograd express 341/340
The ticket is valid for 1 month and only on 2nd class.
Have a nice trip!
Best regards,
Hungarin National Railways (MAV)
Information Centre
phone (from abroad): +36 - 1 - 371 - 9449
phone (from inland) : 06 - 40 - 494949
email (information): informacio@mav.hu
time table: http://www.elvira.hu/
homepage: http://www.mav.hu/
Cize treba cestovat len tymi priamymi vlakmi (iny sposob cestovania ani nema zmysel) a to je to "vonathoz kötött" .
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/93596/
Hladal som teraz nieco hlbsie v tejto diskusii a nahodou som nasiel aj zmienku o tom "Beograd Special":
***"With new timetable, which will become effective from December 11, traveling by “Serbian Railways” to Budapest and Ljubljana will be cheaper, they said today to the Media center of our Enterprise.
As we find out at the Passenger Traffic Department, beside the current concessions of 60 percent for return tickets from any town in Serbia to Budapest, the passengers will also have 30 percent concessions for one-way journeys.
Special offer has been determined for the route Belgrade-Budapest; the price of one-way ticket for second-class costs 15 EUR, and 26 EUR for return.
From 11 December, railway service to Ljubljana will also be cheaper, due to the offer of “City star”, where return ticket in second class will be cheaper for 13 EUR, i.e. it will cost 78, 80 instead of current 91,80 EUR."***
(http://www.yurail.co.yu:8888/0509eng/news.php?newsid=99 )
Este sa teda dovediet, co znamena ta "viazanost na vlak" a za akych podmienok je to teda mozne vyuzit.
Ale uz som napisal na "MÁV infomáció", tak som zvedavy na odpoved
***"With new timetable, which will become effective from December 11, traveling by “Serbian Railways” to Budapest and Ljubljana will be cheaper, they said today to the Media center of our Enterprise.
As we find out at the Passenger Traffic Department, beside the current concessions of 60 percent for return tickets from any town in Serbia to Budapest, the passengers will also have 30 percent concessions for one-way journeys.
Special offer has been determined for the route Belgrade-Budapest; the price of one-way ticket for second-class costs 15 EUR, and 26 EUR for return.
From 11 December, railway service to Ljubljana will also be cheaper, due to the offer of “City star”, where return ticket in second class will be cheaper for 13 EUR, i.e. it will cost 78, 80 instead of current 91,80 EUR."***
(http://www.yurail.co.yu:8888/0509eng/news.php?newsid=99 )
Este sa teda dovediet, co znamena ta "viazanost na vlak" a za akych podmienok je to teda mozne vyuzit.
Ale uz som napisal na "MÁV infomáció", tak som zvedavy na odpoved
Odkaz na príspevok: https://www.vlaky.net/diskusia/link/93436/
+ nejake info o IC Avala: